Cat 6 vs Cat 7 – Which Is Right for You?

In today’s interconnected world, the choice of Ethernet cable can make a significant difference in your networking experience. Whether you’re a tech-savvy individual or a general consumer, the debate between Cat 6 and Cat 7 Ethernet cables is one that you’ve likely encountered. Each offers its own set of advantages and drawbacks, from speed and future-proofing to cost and compatibility. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the key differences between Cat 6 and Cat 7 cables, helping you make an informed decision that suits your specific needs.


When it comes to future-proofing your network, both Cat 6 and Cat 7 offer compelling options, albeit with some key differences. Cat 6 cables can technically support speeds up to 10Gbps, which might seem sufficient for most current applications. However, Cat 7 takes it a step further by offering speeds up to 40Gbps and even has the potential to reach 100Gbps. This makes Cat 7 a more robust choice for those looking to stay ahead of the curve in terms of network speed. Whether you’re setting up a home network or a professional workspace, investing in Cat 7 could provide you with more headroom for future speed increases, ensuring that your network remains agile and efficient in the years to come.

PoE Support:

Power over Ethernet (PoE) is a feature that both Cat 6 and Cat 7 cables support, allowing you to power devices directly through the Ethernet cable. While this might seem like a tie between the two, Cat 7 has a slight edge. Cat 7 cables can deliver up to 100W of power, compared to the 55W that Cat 6 cables offer. This increased power capacity makes Cat 7 a better choice for powering higher-consumption PoE devices like advanced security cameras, Wi-Fi access points, or even some types of industrial equipment. So, if you’re planning to run a network that requires more power, Cat 7 is clearly the more capable option.

Cable Runs:

One of the often-overlooked factors when choosing an Ethernet cable is the length of the cable run. Cat 6 cables are generally limited to 100 meters for a single cable run, which might be sufficient for most home or small office setups. However, Cat 7 cables offer a distinct advantage here, supporting cable runs up to 150 meters. This extended range is particularly beneficial for larger installations, such as corporate offices or industrial settings, where devices may be spaced further apart. Additionally, the enhanced shielding in Cat 7 cables reduces signal degradation over longer runs, ensuring a more reliable connection.

Noise Resistance:

In environments where electrical noise is a concern, the type of Ethernet cable you choose can make a significant difference. Both Cat 6 and Cat 7 cables are designed to minimize electromagnetic interference (EMI) and crosstalk noise. However, Cat 7 cables have the upper hand due to their additional shielding and thicker gauge. This enhanced construction makes Cat 7 cables more resistant to EMI and ensures a more reliable connection, even on noisy electrical lines. Whether you’re setting up a network in an industrial setting or simply want a more stable connection at home, Cat 7’s superior noise resistance can be a game-changer.

Bend Radius:

While Cat 7 cables offer many advantages, they do come with a limitation when it comes to flexibility. Due to their thicker construction, Cat 7 cables have a larger minimum bend radius compared to Cat 6. This means that if you need to make tighter turns or navigate through narrow spaces, Cat 6 may be a more suitable option. The flexibility of Cat 6 cables allows for easier installation in confined areas, making them a better choice for home networks or smaller office setups where space is at a premium.

Connector Compatibility:

Another crucial factor to consider is the type of connectors that each cable uses. Cat 6 cables use the widely-accepted RJ45 connector, making them compatible with most networking equipment. On the other hand, Cat 7 cables use the newer GG45 connector, which is not backward compatible with RJ45. This means that to fully utilize Cat 7 cables, you would need GG45 ports and jacks, which might require an upgrade of your existing networking equipment. While the GG45 connector offers improved performance, the lack of backward compatibility could be a drawback for those who are not ready to overhaul their network infrastructure.


Last but not least, the cost is an essential factor in your decision-making process. As expected, Cat 7 cables and connectors come at a noticeably higher price point than Cat 6. While the added benefits of Cat 7—such as higher speed, greater power capacity, and enhanced noise resistance—may justify the cost for some, it ultimately depends on your specific needs and budget. If you’re setting up a simple home network, Cat 6 might suffice. However, for more demanding applications or future-proofing your network, the investment in Cat 7 could be well worth it.


Choosing between Cat 6 and Cat 7 Ethernet cables is not a one-size-fits-all decision. Both options come with their own sets of advantages and limitations. Cat 6 offers flexibility and cost-effectiveness, making it a suitable choice for simpler networking needs. On the other hand, Cat 7 provides superior speed, power capacity, and noise resistance, making it a robust choice for those looking to future-proof their network. Your decision should be based on your specific requirements, whether it’s speed, power, distance, or cost. By understanding the key differences outlined in this guide, you can make an informed choice that best suits your networking needs, now and in the future.

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